Detalhes do Curso


CS50's Introduction to Game Development

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Tipo: Livres
Área: Informação e Tecnologia
Modalidade: A distância
Avaliação: 0,00
Classificação: 0,00

Colton Ogden

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Technologist, Harvard University Colton is a Technologist in the Division of Continuing Education at Harvard University.

David J. Malan

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Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science, Harvard University David is Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and a Member of the Faculty of Education in the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. He received his A.B., S.M., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard in 1999, 2004, and 2007, respectively.

In a quest to understand how video games themselves are implemented, you'll explore the design of such childhood games as: Super Mario Bros., Pong, Flappy Bird, Breakout, Match 3, Legend of Zelda, Angry Birds, Pokémon, 3D Helicopter Game, Dreadhalls, and Portal. Via lectures and hands-on projects, the course explores principles of 2D and 3D graphics, animation, sound, and collision detection using frameworks like Unity and LÖVE 2D, as well as languages like Lua and C#. By class’s end, you'll have programmed several of your own games and gained a thorough understanding of the basics of game design and development.

Valor: 0,00

Carga Horária: 12 weeks long
