Tipo: Livres
Área: Religião
Modalidade: A distância
Avaliação: 0,00
Classificação: 0,00
Informações em certificações
Jason is a doctoral student in comparative studies and South Asian religions in the Committee on the Study of Religion at Harvard University.
Informações em certificação
Associate Professor Director of South Asia Studies Program, Wellesley College Neelima is an Associate Professor and Director of South Asia Studies (with a focus on religions and cultures) at Wellesley College. She received her Ph.D. in the Study of Religion from Harvard University in 2003.
Ever wondered about the sacred scriptures that have sustained for millennia one of the oldest and most diverse religions of the world - Hinduism? Want to discover the lessons this history may offer mankind in the 21st century? This religion course introduces the rich and diverse textual sources from which millions of Hindus have drawn religious inspiration for millennia. The Bhagavad Gita has offered philosophical insights to a number of modern thinkers. This course will introduce important passages from important Hindu sacred texts, their interpretations by moderns and will give you an opportunity to engage with them. This course is part of the World Religions Through Their Scriptures series.
Valor: 0,00
Carga Horária: 4 weeks long
Open June 4, 2019 – September 30, 2020