Tipo: Livres
Área: Religião
Modalidade: A distância
Avaliação: 0,00
Classificação: 0,00
Descrito na certificação
Hollis Professor of Divinity, Harvard University Karen L. King is the Hollis Professor of Divinity at Harvard University in the Divinity School. She received her B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Montana and her Ph.D. in History of Religions: Ancient Christianity from Brown University
Descrito na certificação
Sarah Griffis is a doctoral student in New Testament and Early Christianity in the Committee on the Study of Religion at Harvard University.
Christianity is a global religion. From modest beginnings 2,000 years ago, it has grown to encompass nearly a third of the human population. Diverse in languages, cultures, histories, and creeds, Christians nonetheless share a common collection of sacred scripture called the Bible. This religion course introduces you to the Bible and its scripture and asks the questions: What are the contents, languages, and forms of Bibles in various times and places? How have Christians lived out their stories and teachings? How does Christian history reflect the contested and varied uses of scripture—in the ancient Roman world where Christianity began, in its spread through European and American colonialism, in the diverse forms it takes in varied locations around the globe? You will begin to explore these questions and others while learning about the content and interpretations of these sacred texts.
Valor: 0,00
Carga Horária: 4 weeks long
Open July 2, 2019 – September 30, 2020