Detalhes do Curso


Leaders of Learning

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Tipo: Livres
Área: Administração, Economia e Negócios
Modalidade: A distância
Avaliação: 0,00
Classificação: 0,00

Richard Elmore

Descrito na certificação


Gregory R. Anrig Professor of Educational Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Richard Elmore is the Gregory R. Anrig Professor of Educational Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. For the past fifteen years his research and clinical practice has concentrated on the improvement of instructional practice in schools and classrooms, and the development of organizational systems to support those improvements. His current work focuses on the fundamental re-design of learning environments, and the development of leaders and entrepreneurs to create and sustain those environments, all in light of dramatic changes in our understanding of the neuroscience of learning and the exponential growth of digital culture. He was founding faculty director of the Doctor of Educational Leadership (EdLD) program at Harvard.

All of us carry explicit or implicit theories of learning. They manifest themselves in the ways we learn, the ways we teach, and the ways we think about leadership and learning. In Leaders of Learning, you will identify and develop your personal theory of learning, and explore how it fits into the shifting landscape of learning. This isn’t just about schools, it’s about the broader and bigger world of learning. The education sector is undergoing a great transformation, and in the coming decades will continue to change. How we learn, what we learn, where we learn, and why we learn; all these questions will be reexamined. In Leaders of Learning, we will explore learning, leadership, organizational structure, and physical design.

Valor: 0,00

Carga Horária: 10 weeks long

Open September 25, 2019 – September 1, 2020