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Unlocking Investment and Finance in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs)

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Demet Cabbar

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Demet Cabbar is Financial Officer in Financing for Development under the Office of the Managing Director and World Bank Group CFO), where she supports the World Bank Group’s engagement in the 2030 development agenda and its financing. Previously she worked as an investment analyst in the World Bank Treasury’s Pension and Endowments Department. Previously, Demet worked as learning coordinator with the World Bank’s Financial Sector Learning Program, where she played a key role in growing the program from a small initiative to a global network of more than 3,000 government officials and private sector executives. In 2006-2007, as an elected officer to the Youth-to-Youth Community of the World Bank, she co-managed the Youth Innovation Fund, a small grant program aimed at bringing innovative and fresh ideas from youth into the World Bank’s development agenda. Demet earned her bachelor’s degree in management engineering at Istanbul Technical University. She has an MBA/MA in international business and an MS in finance from George Washington University.

Ian MacDonald

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an MacDonald is Senior Economist in Financing for Development under the Office of the Managing Director and World Bank Group CFO. Ian has two decades of experience in finance, management and public policy. Most recently he served on the Board of Executive Directors at the Inter-American Development Bank. Before the IDB, Ian was a Senior Advisor to an Executive Director at the World Bank Group. He received the highest honors for his advisory, analytic and management work for the Government of Canada during the global financial crisis. Ian has experience in asset management, risk management, financial modelling, financial systems, corporate budgeting, program evaluation and has broad experience working with a range of international organizations on challenges in development finance. Ian holds master's and undergraduate degrees in finance along with the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM) designations. Ian has also worked for commercial financial institutions in Canada and instructed undergraduate finance in Australia. He lives in Washington, DC with his family and he is a passionate fan of all Boston sports teams.

Julius Gwyer

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Julius Gwyer is Program Officer in Financing for Development under the Office of the Managing Director and World Bank Group CFO, where he helps foster the development of new and innovative financial products and services to increase the mobilization of private and public financial resources. His recent engagements include with the global investor forum ahead of the G20 in Argentina, building partnerships with institutional investors and other large asset managers, and coordination with the UN’s Interagency Task for on Financing for Development. Previously he supported for the President's Special Envoy with leading the World Bank Group's international engagements on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their means of implementation. He has worked with World Economic Forum and was secretary to the high-level panel of experts reviewing Doing Business, as well as the World Bank Group’s Financing for Development committee. Previously he worked in the World Bank and IFC leadership teams on knowledge and learning; established the World Bank Group’s web governance model; led an online community of practice with 30,000 members on the topic of development effectiveness and conducted evaluations of the World Bank Group's strategies and programs in Poland, India, the Philippines, Nepal and Mexico. Prior to joining the Bank, he was an executive officer for the British government. He has authored numerous op-eds and articles. Mr. Gwyer earned his bachelor’s degree in economics and public administration at the University of London. He has an MBA in international business from the University of Glasgow and has taken executive education training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Outside of work he is a keen photographer and world traveler.

Sander Glas

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Sander Glas is a consultant in Financing for Development under the Office of the Managing Director and World Bank Group CFO. Over the past five years, he has worked on the design, launch and management of programs in investment facilitation, private capital mobilization, innovative finance and blended finance for development agencies, international financial institutions, governments and private investors. His work has a focus on fragile countries and frontier markets, with prior in-country experience in Afghanistan, Haiti and Venezuela. He holds a graduate degree in financial law from the University of Ghent in Belgium, and a graduate degree in political economy from King’s College London in the United Kingdom. A Belgian-American national, he has lived in Washington, DC since 2016.

Week 1: Scaling Investment and Finance in EMDEs Understanding the global context of investment and finance opportunities in EMDEs. How the international development finance system catalyzes resources from all available sources for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The business-model of multilateral development banks (MDBs). Adopting a Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) approach. Emerging trends and innovations in investment and finance. Week 2: Strengthening Financing Strategies for Governments The role of aid, public finance, and policy in investment and development. Strengthening national government financing strategies in EMDEs. Channeling domestic resources for strategic investments. Strengthening accountability and transparency. Tackling illicit financial flows. Week 3: Unlocking Private Investment Opportunities in EMDEs Sizing up investment opportunities. Sources of private investment capital. Actions needed to remove obstacles to investments. Working with multilateral development banks to derisk investments. Week 4: Building Robust Financial Markets and Institutions in EMDEs How international and domestic financial systems affect investment and finance flows. Incentivizing long-term investments through financial systems and structures. The key attributes of a well-functioning financial system: depth, access, efficiency and stability. End of course special project, summary of highlights and wrap up.

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Carga Horária: 4 Weeks
